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1TB Koofr Cloud Storage Lifetime Subscription
1TB Koofr Cloud Storage Lifetime Subscription

$139.99 1TB Koofr Cloud Storage Lifetime Subscription

Author Cloud Storage

$139.99 for 1TB, $29.99 for 100GB, $59.99 for 250GB of Koofr Cloud Storage Lifetime access. This offer is available for any user who has a large amount of data over 1TB that would like to use a cloud storage solution that meets the requirement of securely, strong connection and easy way to access the files.

If you would like to buy more amount of storage, you can make a stack up orders for this sale. The provider allows you stack up to 5 orders for 1TB Koofr Cloud Storage. And remember to redeem the voucher as soon as you can. Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 15 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final. You can use PayPal, credit cards to pay for the order.

Stack up order now

Please create a new account or login if you already have an account to make an order. Then open the email or login to the store to redeem the product purchased.

 1TB Koofr cloud storage - Click here to purchase to product  

  100GB Koofr cloud storage - Click here to purchase to product  

  250GB Koofr cloud storage - Click here to purchase to product

System Requirements

  • Users must have an existing Koofr account (free to create) to redeem this promotional upgrade
  • Internet access required
  • Web & mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)
  • WebDAV

Offer Details

  • Koofr Cloud Storage 1TB Plan
  • Length of access: lifetime
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 15 days of purchase
  • Max number of devices: Unlimited
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Updates included